Structure Query Language, C programming, Java, Servlet, Jsp, Unix

Friday 20 April 2012


Question 6
WORKER (worker_id, name, wage_per_hour, specialised_in, manager_id)
JOB (job_id, type_of_job, status)
JOB_ASSIGNED (worker_id, job_id, starting_date, number_of_days)


create table worker
      worker_id number(10) primary key,
      name varchar2(10),
      wage_per_hour number(10),
      specialised_in varchar2(20),
      manager_id number(10)

create table job
      job_id number(10) primary key,
      type_of_job varchar2(10),
      status varchar2(10)

create table job_assigned
      worker_id number(10) references worker(worker_id),
      job_id number(10) references job(job_id),
      starting_date date,
      number_of_days number,
      primary key(worker_id,job_id)


-- Insert Into Worker
insert into worker values(001,'pankaj',1000,'computer','');
insert into worker values(002,'jigee',500,'medical',005);
insert into worker values(003,'ami',100,'sports',002);
insert into worker values(004,'geeta',600,'civil',006);
insert into worker values(005,'sumit',750,'engg',001);
insert into worker values(006,'parul',500,'autocad',003);
insert into worker values(008,'monica',500,'computer',009);
insert into worker values(009,'rahul',800,'computer',006);
insert into worker values(007,'sanju',1100,'civil',008);

--  Insert Into Job
insert into job values(05,'computer','incomplete');
insert into job values(02,'banking','half');
insert into job values(03,'engg','one third');
insert into job values(01,'electrical','incomplete');
insert into job values(04,'autocad','incomplete');
insert into job values(07,'civil','half');
insert into job values(06,'medical','one fourth');

-- Insert Into Job_Assigned
insert into job_assigned values(002,06,'02-jan-2000',350);
insert into job_assigned values(001,06,'15-jan-2010',50);
insert into job_assigned values(003,01,'22-mar-2003',150);
insert into job_assigned values(001,05,'01-jan-2000',05);
insert into job_assigned values(002,04,'02-jan-2008',20);
insert into job_assigned values(004,05,'28-dec-2000',10);
insert into job_assigned values(002,05,'30-apr-2000',89);
insert into job_assigned values(003,05,'30-apr-2000',89);

  1. Display the date on which each worker is going to end his presently assigned job.

    select worker_id,starting_date+number_of_days "ENDING DATE" from job_assigned;
  2. Display how many days remain for each worker to finish his job.

    select worker_id, round(starting_date+number_of_days - sysdate) "REMAINING DAYS"  from job_assigned where starting_date+number_of_days>sysdate;
  3. Display the STARTING_DATE in the following format – ‘The fifth day of the month of October, 2004’.

    select 'The ' || to_char(starting_date,'ddth')||' day of the month of '||to_char(starting_date,'Month, yyyy') "DATE" from job_assigned;
  4. Change the status to ‘Complete’ for all those jobs, which started in year 2000.

    update job set status='complete' where job_id in
    select job_id from job_assigned where    to_char(starting_date,'yyyy')='2000' group by job_id
  5. Display job details of all those jobs where at least 25 workers are working.

    select job_id,count(worker_id) "TOTAL WORKER" from job_assigned group by job_id having count(worker_id)>=3;

  6. Display all those jobs that are already completed.

    select ja.job_id,j.type_of_job,ja.worker_id from job_assigned ja,job j where (ja.starting_date+ja.number_of_days)<sysdate and j.job_id=ja.job_id;
  7. Find all the jobs, which will begin within the next two weeks.

    select ja.job_id,j.type_of_job,ja.worker_id from job_assigned ja,job j where ja.starting_date>sysdate and ja.starting_date+ja.number_of_days<sysdate+14;
  8. List all workers who have their wage per hour ten times greater than the wage of their managers.

    select "worker name" from worker a,worker b where
    a.manager_id=b.worker_id and a.wage_per_hour>b.wage_per_hour*2;
  9. List the names of workers who have been assigned the job of molding.

    select w.worker_id, from worker w,job j,job_assigned ja where w.worker_id=ja.worker_id and j.job_id=ja.job_id and j.type_of_job='computer';
  10. What is the total number of days allocated for packaging the goods for all the workers together.

    select job_id, avg(number_of_days) from job_assigned group by job_id;
  11. Which workers receive higher than average wage per hour.

    select * from worker where wage_per_hour>(select avg(wage_per_hour) from worker);
  12. Display details of workers who are working on more than one job.

    select worker_id, count(job_id) from job_assigned group by worker_id having count(job_id)>1;
  13. Which workers having specialization in polishing start their job in December?

    select w.worker_id , name from worker w, job_assigned ja where w.specialise d_in='computer' and to_char(ja.starting_date,'mon')='dec';
  14. Display details of workers who are specialized in the same field as that of Mr. Cacophonix or have a wage per hour more than any of the workers.

    select * from worker where wage_per_hour>(select MAX(wage_per_hour) from worker) or specialised_in=(select specialised_in from worker where name='pankaj');

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