Structure Query Language, C programming, Java, Servlet, Jsp, Unix

Friday 20 April 2012


Question 3
HOSTEL (H#, hname, haddr, total_capacity, warden)
ROOM (h#, r#, rtype, location, no_of_students, status)
CHARGES (h#, rtype, charges)
STUDENT (sid, sname, saddr, faculty, dept, class, h#, r#)
FEES (sid, fdate, famount)

The STATUS field tells us whether the room is occupied or vacant. The charges
represent the term fees to be paid half yearly. A student can pay either the annual fees at
one time or the half yearly fees twice a year.


create table hostel
          h# number(10) primary key,
          hname varchar2(20) NOT NULL,
          haddr varchar2(20) NOT NULL,
          total_capacity number(10),
          warden varchar2(20)

create table room
          h# number(10) references hostel(h#),
          r# number(10) not null,
          rtype varchar2(10) not null,
          location varchar2(10) not null,
          no_of_students number(5),
          status varchar2(20),
          primary key(h#,r#)

create table charges
          h# number(10) references hostel(h#),
          rtype varchar2(10) not null,
          charges number(10),
          primary key(h#,rtype)

create table student1
          sid number(10) primary key,
          sname varchar2(10),
          saddr varchar2(10),
          faculty varchar2(10),
          dept varchar2(10),
          class varchar2(10),
          h# number(10) references hostel(h#),
          r# number(10)

create table fees
          sid number(10),
          fdate date,
          famount number(10),
          primary key(sid,fdate)


insert into hostel values (1,'sardar patel','baroda',500,'vidhi');
insert into hostel values(2,'lala','baroda',100,'vidhi');
insert into hostel values(3,'jain chhatra','jamnagar',500,'kamini');
insert into hostel values(4,'krishana','bombay',500,'pooja');

insert into room values(1,1,'s','haj',500,'vacant');
insert into room values(2,1,'f','haj',500,'vacant');
insert into room values(2,3,'s','haj',500,'vacant');
insert into room values(2,2,'t','haj',500,'vacant');

insert into charges values(1,'d',5000);
insert into charges values(2,'s',5000);
insert into charges values(3,'s',5000);

insert into student1 values(1,'ami','jam','antani sir',1,'mca1',1,2);
insert into student1 values(2,'pankaj','jam','bipin sir',2,'mca1',2,2);
insert into student1 values(3,'jigi','jam','seema mam',3,'mca1',3,2);

insert into fees values(1,'02-dec-2010',500);
insert into fees values(2,'12-dec-2010',500);

  1. Add a check constraint to the room table so that the room type allows the following values only – ‘s’ for single, ‘d’ for double, ‘t’ for triple and ‘f’ for four-seater.

    alter table room add constraint t1 check (rtype in('s','d','t','f'));
  2. Display the total number of rooms that are presently vacant.

    select count(*) from room where status='vacant';
  3. Display number of students of each faculty and department wise staying in each hostel.

    select no_of_students,r.h#,s.faculty,s.dept from room r, student1 s where r.h#=s.h#;

  4. Display hostels, which have at least one single-seated room.

    select rtype,b.h#,a.hname from room b, hostel a where rtype='s' and a.h#=b.h#;
  5. Display the warden name and hostel address of students of Computer Science department.

    select hname,warden,sname,saddr from student1 a, hostel b where dept=2 and a.h#=b.h#;
  6. Display those hostel details where single seated or double-seated rooms are vacant.

    select a.h#,r#,b.hname  from room a,hostel b where rtype='s' and status='vacant' and a.h#=b.h#;
  7. Display details of hostels occupied by medical students.

    select a.h#,a.hname,a.warden from hostel a,student1 b where b.dept=3 and a.h#=b.h#;

  8. Display hostels, which are totally occupied to its fullest capacity.

    select * from hostel where (h#,total_capacity)  in (select h#,count(sid) from student1 group by h#);
  9. List details about students who are staying in the double-seated rooms of Chanakya Hostel.

    select c.r#,c.sname,c.saddr from student1 c  where (c.r#,c.h#) in ( select b.r#, a.h#  from hostel a, room b  where a.hname='lala' and  b.rtype='d' and a.h#=b.h#   );
  10. Display the total number of students staying in each room type of each hostel.

    select s.h#,s.r#,count(sid) from student1 s, hostel h where h.h#=s.h#
    group by s.h#,s.r#;
  11. Display details about students who have paid fees in the month of Nov. 2003.

    select s.sid,s.sname,s.saddr,s.dept from student1 s, fees f where s.sid=f.sid and to_char(fdate,'mon-yyyy')='nov-2003';
  12. For those hostels where total capacity is more than 300, display details of students studying in Science faculty.

    select sid,sname,saddr from student1
    where h# in
    select h# from hostel where total_capacity>300
                and dept=3;
  13. Display hostel details where there are at least 10 vacant rooms.

    select h#,hname,warden from hostel where h# in (select h# from room group by h# having count(status)>=3);
  14. Display details of students who have still not paid fees.

    select sid,sname,saddr from student1 where sid not in (select sid from fees);
  15. Display those hostels where single-seated room is the costliest.

    select c.h#,h.hname,h.haddr from charges c,hostel h where charges=(select max(charges) from charges where rtype='s') and h.h#=c.h#;


  1. Plz solve this also the Question of Trigger and function procedure

  2. ANd in your Query something are Wrong
    In query no.6 is wrong

    Query should be..
    Select r.hno,h.hname
    From room r, hostel s
    Where r.hno=h.hno and status='vacant' and rtype='s' or rtype='d';
