Question 2
COURSE(courseno, coursename, max_marks, pass_marks)
create table student
rollno number(10) primary key,
name varchar2(10) NOT NULL,
class varchar2(10) NOT NULL,
bod date
create table course
courseno number(10) primary key,
coursename varchar(10) NOT NULL,
max_marks number(4) NOT NULL,
pass_marks number(4) NOT NULL
create table sc
rollno number(10) references student(rollno),
courseno number(10) references course(courseno),
marks varchar(10) NOT NULL
insert into student values(0001,'pankaj','fymca','27-jan-1989');
insert into student values(0002,'rahul','fymca','15-aug-1988');
insert into student values(0003,'priyesh','tymca','30-apr-1990');
insert into student values(0004,'ravinder','fymca','27-jan-1989');
insert into student values(0005,'dheru','symca','15-feb-1987');
insert into student values(0006,'amit','fymca','19-jun-1989');
insert into student values(0007,'deepak','symca','25-dec-1989');
insert into course values(01,'dm',100,50);
insert into course values(02,'fop',100,50);
insert into course values(03,'dbms',100,50);
insert into course values(04,'erpfm',100,50);
insert into course values(05,'faco',100,50);
insert into sc values(0007,04,75);
insert into sc values(0004,03,45);
insert into sc values(0005,03,70);
insert into sc values(0004,02,90);
insert into sc values(0001,01,75);
insert into sc values(0004,05,80);
insert into sc values(0006,04,55);
insert into sc values(0001,03,68);
insert into sc values(0004,01,36);
insert into sc values(0003,03,59);
insert into sc values(0001,05,48);
insert into sc values(0002,04,99);
- Add constraint that marks entered are between 0 to 100 only.
alter table sc add constraint abc check(marks between 0 and 100);
- While creating COURSE table, primary key constraint was forgotten. Add the primary key now.
alter table course add primary key(courseno);
- Display details of student where course is ‘Data Base Management System’.
where course.coursename='dbms' and sc.courseno=course.courseno and sc.rollno=student.rollno;
select sc.rollno,name from sc,course,student
- Select student names who have scored more than 70% in Computer Networks and have not failed in any subject.
select sc.rollno, coursename, from course,sc, student where marks>70 and coursename='erpfm' and sc.rollno in( select rollno from sc where rollno not in(select rollno from sc, course where marks<course.pass_marks )) and student.rollno=sc.rollno;
- Select names and class of students whose names begin with ‘A’ or ‘B’.
select name,class from student where name LIKE 'r%' OR name LIKE 'p%';
- Display average marks obtained by each student.
select a.rollno, avg(marks) from sc a, student b where a.rollno=b.rollno group by a.rollno;
- Select all course where passing marks are more than 30% of average maximum marks.
select coursename from course where pass_marks>(select avg(max_marks)*30/10 0 from course);
- Select the course where second and third characters are ‘AT’.
select * from course where coursename lIKE '_bm%';
- Display details of students born in 1975 or 1976.
select * from student where to_char(bod,'yyyy') BETWEEN 1988 and 1990;
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