Structure Query Language, C programming, Java, Servlet, Jsp, Unix

Friday, 20 April 2012


Question 1
Customer Item schema queries which fall in all the categories mentioned above.
CUST(Custno, cname, state, phone)
ITEM(itemno, Itemname, Itemprice, Qty_hand)
INVOICE(Invno, invDate, Custno)
INVITEM(Invno, Itemno, Qty)

  1. Create four table along with necessary constraints( PK,FK,notnull, Unique and Check constraints)


    create table cust
    (custno varchar2(6) constraint pk_cust primary key,
    cname varchar2(20) not null,
    state varchar2(15),
    phone number(10));


    create table item
    (itemno varchar2(6)constraint pk_ino primary key,
    itemname varchar2(20) not null,
    itemprice number(8,2) constraint chk_price check(itemprice>0),
    qty_hand number(5) constraint chk_qty check(qty_hand>0),
    constraint chk_item check(itemno like 'i%'));


    create table invoice
    (invno number(6) constraint pk_invno primary key,
    invdate date,
    custno varchar2(6) constraint fk_cust references cust(custno));


    create table invitem
    (invno number(6) constraint fk_invno references invoice(invno),
    itemno varchar2(6) constraint fk_itemno references item,
    qty number(6));

  2. Write a Insert script for insertion of rows with substitution variables.

    CUST :

    insert into cust values('c00001','pankaj','Gujarat',9999999999);
    insert into cust values('c00002','sanju','Maharashtra',8888888888);
    insert into cust values('c00003','dheru','Madras',7777777777);
    insert into cust values('c00004','jigee','Punjab',6666666666);

    ITEM :

    insert into item values('i00001','Mouse',150,10);
    insert into item values('i00002','Keyboard',250,20);
    insert into item values('i00003','Monitor',3500,5);
    insert into item values('i00004','Speaker',450,10);
    insert into item values('i00005','RAM',800,5);


    insert into invoice values(1001,'04-Jan-09','c00002');
    insert into invoice values(1002,'05-May-09','c00001');
    insert into invoice values(1003,'04-Apr-09','c00004');
    insert into invoice values(1004,'28-Jun-09','c00002');
    insert into invoice values(1005,'31-Aug-09','c00001');


    insert into invitem values(1003,'i00005',2);
    insert into invitem values(1001,'i00004',3);
    insert into invitem values(1005,'i00001',5);
    insert into invitem values(1002,'i00005',2);
    insert into invitem values(1002,'i00002',2);
    insert into invitem values(1003,'i00001',2);
    insert into invitem values(1004,'i00004',4);
    insert into invitem values(1002,'i00001',1);
    insert into invitem values(1001,'i00002',3);

  3. Add a column to the Item table, which will allow us to store Item color field.

    alter table item add(itemcolor varchar2(15));

  4. Write SELECT statement for the given queries.
    1. Display Item name, Price in sentence form using concatenation

      select 'Itemname:' || itemname || ' And Itemprice:' || itemprice "Item-Price" from item;

    2. Find total value of each item based on quantity on hand

      select sum(qty_hand) "Total" from item;

    3. Find customers who are from state of Gujarat.

      select * from cust where state='Gujarat' ;

    4. Display items with unit price of at least Rs. 100

      select * from ITEM where itemprice>=100;
    5. List items whose range lies between Rs. 200 and Rs. 500

      select * from ITEM where itemprice BETWEEN 200 and 500;
    6. Which customers are from lalbaug area of Ahmedabad, Baroda and Patan.

      select * from cust where area='lalbaug' and city IN ('Ahmedabad','Baroda','Patan')
    7. Find all customers whose name start with Letter ‘P’.

      select * from cust where cname LIKE 'p%';
    8. Find name of items with ‘W’ in their name.

      select * from item where itemname LIKE '%a%';

    9. Sort all customers alphabetically

      select * from cust order by cname;
    10. Sort all items in descending order by their prices.

      select * from item order by itemprice DESC;
    11. Display all customers from M.P alphabetically

      select * from cust where state='Madras' order by cname;
    12. Display invoices dates in ‘September 05, 2007’ format.

      select invno, custno, to_char(invdate,'Month DD,YYYY') "Date" from invoice;

    13. Find total, average, highest and lowest unit price.

      select sum(itemprice) "TOTAL_PRICE", MAX(itemprice) "MAX_PRICE", AVG(itemprice) "AVG_PRICE", MIN(itemprice) "MINIMUM_PRICE" from item;

    14. Count number of items ordered in each invoice

      select invno "INVOICE NO", COUNT(*) “TOTAL” from invitem GROUP BY invno;
    15. Find invoices in which three or more items are ordered.

      select invno "INVOICE NO", sum(qty) "ORDERED" from invitem group by invno having sum(qty)>=3;
    16. Find all possible combination of customers and items ( use Cartesian product)

      select cname, itemname from cust, invoice, invitem, item item where cust.custno=invoice.custno and invoice.invno=invitem.invno and invitem.itemno=item.itemno;

    17. Display all item quantity and item price for invoices ( natural join)

      select * from invoice NATURAL JOIN invitem group by invitem.invno;
    18. Find total price amount for each invoice.

      select invno, count(*) "QUANTITY", sum(qty*itemprice) “TOTAL” from invitem,item where item.itemno=invitem.itemno group by invitem.invno;
    19. Use outer join to display items ordered as well as not ordered so far.

      select *  from item,invitem where item.itemno=invitem.itemno(+);
    20. Find invoices with ‘Gear’ in their item name.

      select invno from item, invitem where invitem.itemno=item.itemno and item.itemn ame LIKE '%o%';
    21. Display name of items ordered in invoice number 1001

      select itemname, invno from item, invitem where item.itemno= invitem.itemno and invno=1001;
    22. Find the items that are cheaper than ‘Bullet’.

      select itemno, itemname from item where itemprice<(select itemprice from item where itemname='Speaker');
    23. Create a table ( namely guj_cust) for all Gujarat customer based on existing customer table

      create table cust_adi as select * from cust where state=’Ahmedabad';
    24. Copy all M.P customers to the table with Gujarat customers

      insert into cust_adi (select * from cust where state='Punjab')
    25. Rename Guj_cust table to MP_cust table.

      rename cust_adi to cust_punjab
    26. Find the customers who are not in Gujarat or M.P

      Select * from cust where state NOT IN('Ahmedabad','Punjab');
    27. Delete rows from customer table that are also in MP_cust table

      delete from cust where exists(select custno from cust_punjab where cust_punjab.custno =cust.custno );
    28. Find the items with top three prices

      select *  from
           select itemname,
           row_number()  over (order by itemprice) rank
           from item
      where rank<=3;
    29. Find two items with lowest quantity on hand

      select *  from
           select itemname, qty_hand,
           row_number()  over (order by qty_hand) rank
           from item
      where rank between 1 and 2;
    30. Create a simple view with item names and item price only

      create view view1 as select itemname , itemprice from item
    31. Create a sequence that can be used to enter new items into item table

      create sequence seq_item increment by 1 start with 6;

    32. Add a new item into item table with sequence just created.

      insert into item values(seq_item.nextval,'Modem',450,2);

    33. Create a index file to speed up a search based on customer name

      create index idx_item on item(itemno);

    34. Lock customer Mr. Shah record to update the state and phone no.

      select state,phone from cust where cname='pankaj' for update;
    35. Give everybody select and insert rights on your item table

      grant select,insert on item to ALL;
    36. Revoke the insert option on item table from user ‘Roshi

      revoke insert on item from rahul;

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